HosmartAI is looking for innovative tech Startups/SMEs developing AI solutions, that can be implemented within the Healthcare sector.  

A total budget of €200,000 is available to support 4 startups/SMEs in the design, development and integration of their health-interoperable technologies into the HosmartAI’s platform

You can apply for solving a particular HosmartAI challenge, or for bringing new technology to be integrated in the HosmartAI platform. 

Topic #1: AI- or data-based services for the healthcare sector enabled by the HosmartAI platform 

Topic #2: Creation of a HL7-FHIR de-identification and pseudonymization tool 

Topic #3: Creation of a federated database system based on a popular open source FHIR Server implementation 

Topic #4: Vector space map with 3D-5D interactive graphic interface 

Topic #5: Data Parsing and Mapping Utility 

Submission to the HosmartAI Open Call #1 – INNOVATE Call for Tech opened on the 8th of February 2022 and will close on the 8th of April 2022 (17.00 CET)

The target audience of this call are Startups/SMEs, legally established in any of the following countries

  • The Member States (MS) of the European Union (EU), including their outermost regions; 
  • The Overseas Countries and Territories (OCT) linked to the Member States; 
  • H2020 associated countries (those which signed an agreement with the Union as identified in Article 7 of the Horizon 2020 Regulation): according to the updated list published by the EC7. 

The UK applicants are eligible under the conditions set by the EC for H2020 participation at the time of the deadline of the call. 

Discover the call here.